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İrem Sefa Yayımlar brandyme kişisel marka danışmanı

Personal Brand Consultant
For Women in Business


I am a personal branding consultant for women in business.

I am specialized on strategic marketing & brand management in multinational companies like Tesco PLC, Pladis (Godiva, Mc Vitie's Company) and Sabancı Group. After that,  I have worked as the International Division Manager of world's leading performance coaching company, Landmark Worldwide, in London and coached over 100+ people all around Europe.

After the maternity leave, while I was evaluating all my talents, experiences, passion, mission and strengths in order to create a meaningful career that serves my life purpose, I have decided that personal branding consultancy for women in business is the best option for me. I have become a Certified Personal Brand Strategist ICF Coach accredited in Personal Branding Guru, William Arruda's Personal Branding Strategist, Digital Branding Strategist Program and 360Reach Personal Brand Analyst Program.

Combining my passion of empowering women with my expertise on branding and strategic marketing and my international coaching experiences, I am currently running my own business, brandyMe Personal Branding Consultancy. As a personal branding consultant, I am recreating personal brands for women in business demonstrating their unique value and leadership in the relevant industry.

Related to that, I am the founder of International Brand Women Leaders Network for women and I am providing personal branding services to empower women to recreate their unique and leading personal brands through personal branding workshops, 1-1 consultancy and online networking events all around the world.

So far, I have provided personal branding consultancy to more than 1000 women in more than 10 countries and also gave personal branding workshops at international corporate companies such as Meta (Facebook), SAP, Vodafone, Unilever, Akbank, BriSA, Koton.

As I believe that personal branding is the most effective way to reveal the unique gift that people bring to this world, and to spread the power of personal branding to wider audiences, I have become the first Personal Brand Academy in Turkey.

For the same reason, in order to create awareness for personal branding strategies and opportunities, I am leading the first and only  in the career journey of hundreds of people, pioneer entrepreneurs, artists, sports people, NGO Leaders and business people share their inspiring personal brand stories, and personal brand experts present their personal branding strategies to hundreds of people. quoted by Turkey's tek Personal Brand Summit'What I've been leading since 2021.

Also, in 2021, I was one of the few experts to speak in the field of Personal Branding at the World Marketing Summit, the world's largest Marketing Event hosted by Philip Kotler, known as the father of Marketing.​ I also have delievered speeches and led workshops on personal branding in Paris, Bristol, London, Dubai and Amsterdam.

irem sefa yayımlar brandyme women




am i doing

For women in business life, who wants to move to the next level in their career, I'm creating personal brands

demonstrating their unique value and leadership

Because, women show up with their own achievements and values in a 'too modest' way in the business world.

Therefore, women are having difficulties to increase their influence and opportunities.

And because this 'job' reminds me of who I am and why I am here!

I provide Personal Brand Consultancy and Personal Branding workshops for women in business all around the world.

For more info, you can visit Brand Women Leaders website.

Why me?

Personal Brand Strategist Certification

One of the few Certified Personal Brand Strategist ICF Coach in the world accredited by Personal Brand Guru William Arruda's worldwide

Personal Brand Strategist Program.


Strategic Marketing and

Brand Expert

7+ years specialization in strategic marketing and branding experience in multinational companies; Tesco PLC,  Pladis (Godiva & Mc Vitie's Company)



Performance Coach

Coached hundreds of people as an international division manager at the London Office of Landmark Worldwide, one of the leading personal development and training companies in the world.

Image by Sergiu Vălenaș

My Speech on Personal Speech on Personal Branding for Women in Business 
at The World's Largest Marketing Event
Founded by the Marketing Guru Prof. Philip Kotler
World Marketing Summit:

"Personal Branding to Break Glass Ceilings"



Maya Angelou

irem sefa yayımlar kişisel marka danışmanı

To be visible,
to be heard and
show our worth and
we don't need be 'perfect'
we don't have to wait!
It is time to
reveal our gift
that we bring to this world,
live who we are and
It's time to make a difference!
- N O W !
İrem Sefa Yayımlar
Personal Brand Creator

irem sefa yayımlar personal brand consultant
irem sefa yayımlar kişisel marka

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